Joe Fanning is an App Developer, Web App developer, mobile app developer, cloud app developer (Software as a Service, Saas apps, App solutions & code answers.
About Joe's App Engineering Studio |Digital App Bliss
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Joe Fanning was born in Waldwick New Jersey.
He aspired to work as an app engineer & app developer
since he was young. He's worked in the front end of
app developement and the back end since 2000.
I started playing with computer ever since my Dad a programmer bought our first computer, a Commodore 64. I was hooked! I played
video games, typed documents, and coded until the middle of the night in grammer school. This continued later on into high school
college, and later on into my professional life.
I moved onto Solegy a voice over IP company. Then to ThomasNet for 5 years building android apps in Java and MYSQL lite.
After that I moved onto Weitz and Luxemberg where I lead their digital team in web design, dev, and adtech. After that,
I helped Revature build Amazon AWS apps.
This intelligent and hard work ethic has led him to take charge of
the best software development companies in New Jersey. He works
with Lamp and Wamp full stack, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Typescript, Java, and other cutting edege programming languages. these
coding languages can be front end in the design view or back end on the server API.
He has a B.S in Business Ramapo College of New Jersey. Joe is
certified in computer science at Harvard University. He is currently a
graduate student at Harvard University's Harvard Extension School located online and in person at 51 Brattle Street in
Cambridge Massechuessets. When he isn't coding you can find him at Amster's Prospect Tavern in Waldwick New Jersey.
He likes to chill out with his Cheers like friends there, and try often unsuccessully to do math after throwing back
a few. Either that or i'll b e at te library in Waldwick doing my Harvard Computer Science homework.
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You may find Joe also drinking alot of caffiene, tea, or coffee at local coffee shops or enjoying a cigerette. Coffee, yes coffee for everyone! Joe doesn't take on challenges because they are easy, but because they are hard. That is unless they are easy than someone has to do it