Citation Mr. Beat
The French revolution. Started the left and the right debate. Religion and the King support were on the right. The Bougiouse sat on the left of the King. Not supporting the king. The left vs. right is based on authority support vs. non authority support. The Bolsheviks consider themselves central. Liberty, equality, egalitarity on the left. Right is authority, tradition, reaction. Left reform Top down on left. bottum up on the right less government intervention. Just live. Rarely do we actually fit on both. Often we fall somewhere in between. An R factor and T factor T for tendermindedness. Left stressed equality in civil rights. Right doesn't. The Vosem chart was a three axis version of the Nolen chart.
Politics effets us all. If you are ging to get married in particular. Political positions are very important. I recommend staying in the middle and not wearing any Political
pins, amulets, get tattoo removal and or cover up in dress clothing (so no one can tell what you are.). This is because albeit convervatives are supposed to be
more "tolerant", that is not neccesarily true. So don't show what you are. The family unit is very important in the long run for your survival.
How Politics Affects You
Local and large government work differently. But sometimes together. Things can get messy. Politics affects us all. From how how college costs to how many schools there are in
war, and more. Keep in mind though that politics isn't everything, but often is. Sometimes for civil rights issues and monetary issues, we need to put politics aside.
The free market didn't solve the thirty percent post ww2 inflation. The government had to step in with the new deal to pump money back into the economy. It created
demand and the market created supply. FDR had a 30 percent unemployment to deal with. WW2 had 61 percent government increase in spending which ended the great depression.
By being liberal you're violating free market priciples. Another argument is that the socail programs creates depenency issues. This gets in the way to
acting in order to get. Liberals believe in private property and making things more fair. Classis liberalist thinks that you're taking away from the ownership of the store.
Who is better to solve the problem? Maybe neither. Conservatives think we all need to balance our budgets tightly. live within our means as Arnold Schwartzenegger put it. Depending
on the governmen't for liberal programs makes us not go getters or self starters according to the conservative view.
Self Starters and Gun Owners
The right is seen as self starters. They preserve traditional instiutions. We're interconnected into organizations
and not as random as it may seem to liberals. The right protects gun rights and property rights. The left wants more gun regulation.
Convervatives get really mad and never let it government
if the offense involves them or family. Liberals get upset at any injustice and tend to let if go the same day. Democrats think all is science.
Conservatives more into relgion or both.
BIO About the Author: Joseph P Fanning
Joe studied at Harvard. He owns and blogs alot about cool things and stuff. He co owns Business Process Automation
Phone - 201 334 8743
Email - Joe's App email
Suffolk County LI New York 11772 Bergen County NJ Programmer