Citation Cathrine Manning
Mortal kombat 11 Forge Recipies. These are recepies for Mortal Kombat 11 Forge. Read on here. the forge for Mortal Kombat 11 is in the Krypt. Hit the plus symbol on your Nintendo Switch to bring up the map while you choose the
Krypt mode. you'll see a golden glowing forge on the map to the left in the Krypt. Go there and hold down the A button (Switch).
They key when you earn a recipie is to take a screen capture of it during the game. Then go to the forge if you have the items won and forge it. Or write down the recipie with a pencil/pen and paper and do the same.
However, here is handy/crafty Youtube Video showing almost all of the recepies. Be sure to write down your favorite ones. My favorite character these days is Scorpion so I write those down or take a screenshot capture
on my Switch.
To forge the Kunai of Hisso collect Tavens Sword, Netherrealm Magma, and Necromantic Runestone.
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BIO About the Author: Joseph P Fanning
Joe studied at Harvard. He owns Joepfanning.com and blogs alot about cool things and stuff. He co owns Business Process Automation
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