Diablo 3 Storyline and Review
Citation Nintendo Life
Diablo 3- Eternal Collection Nintendo Switch Review - Is It Worth It?
Twelve years is a long time to wait for a game, but since Diablo II was launched in 2000 by developer Blizzard, fans of the series have had to await just that. Since then, players have spent years leveling up, looting, and progressively mastering the game's mechanics. Over the past ten years, Blizzard has also gained a lot of knowledge, which they prudently used to inform the design of Diablo III. Diablo III is still essentially the same game at its core, but it has customizable skill systems that let you customize your hero into whatever you need them to be all the time. Ultimately, the third installment of
Diablo's legendary, loot-driven formula—which lets you choose from a few preset classes and level them up—proves to be immensely addicting.
Diablo 3 Storyline
Although the storyline of Diablo III is stronger than that of its
predecessor, it is still full of cliches and predictable turns, which is why some people adore it. However, that isn't really important because the plot just connects the different tasks and dungeons you may encounter while searching for stuff. The world is further developed by excellent voice acting and some very amazing cut-scenes in between Acts, but after the initial playtime, there isn't much to see.
The loot system caught me in even when the story didn't quite work for me. While it feels powerful to bring down your axe for a fatal blow or unleash a technique that tears the flesh off an enemy's bones, nothing compares to the eruption of money.
BIO About the Author: Joseph P Fanning
Joe studied at Harvard. He owns Joepfanning.com and blogs alot about cool things and stuff. He co owns Business Process Automation
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