Call of Jaurez
Citation Youtube via TheBaldMan
Call of Jaurez - The video game series is the subject of this essay. See Call of Juarez (video game) for the title of the first game in the collection.
The Call of Juarez series's logo is a png file.
Genre(s) player-first shooter
Developer(s) Techland
Ubisoft published from 2006 to 2018.
Techland (as of 2018)
Pawe Selinger, author
Artist(s) Kenneth Selinger
Pawe Selinger, author
composer(s) of Haris Orkin is/are Pawe Bászczak
Windows by Microsoft
Nintendo 3DS
Xbox 360
Microsoft Switch
initial releaseInvoke of Juarez
5. September 2006
brand-new releaseJuarez: Call of the Gunslinger
May 22, 2013
Pawe Selinger founded the Call of Juarez first-person shooter video game franchise in 2006.
There are four games in the series, which were mostly released on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. Call of Juarez (2006),
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (2009)
Call of Jaurez
The first game, which is set in 1882 and takes place in Texas and Mexico, follows Reverend Ray McCall as he seeks out his nephew Billy, who has been falsely accused of killing his parents.
The original game's prequel, Bound in Blood, takes set between 1864 and 1866 in Georgia, Arkansas, Arizona, and Mexico. It describes how Ray and his brother Thomas transitioned from being armed Confederate States Army personnel to deadly outlaws. In 2011, Los Angeles and Mexico are the new settings for the Wild West-themed series The organization,
which follows an interagency task force looking into a potent Mexican drug organization. Fans, however, were not happy with this choice, therefore Gunslinger went back to the American West.
First-person shooters make up all four Call of Juarez titles. In the original game, Ray McCall and Billy "Candle," two characters with distinct gameplay philosophies,
are alternately controlled by the player level by level. Ray's levels are more like classic shoot 'em ups, whereas Billy's levels have some stealth elements. The player in
Bound in Blood controls either Ray McCall or his brother Thomas, the game's two characters.[8] The two characters play differently, similar to the first game, although unlike
the first game, most levels let you choose which character to play as.
For the duration of the level, the AI controls the character that the user does not select. The player controls Det. Ben McCall (LAPD), one of The Cartel's three characters.
BIO About the Author: Joseph P Fanning
Joe studied at Harvard. He owns and blogs alot about cool things and stuff. He co owns Business Process Automation
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